ACE snapshots

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ACE Jumpstart is woven throughout all operations. Although there are only twenty-six jumpstarts via a Windows combo key, many more can be implemented via Expressions. Each Jumpstart can make use of ACE's default built-in function, or you may create a new window to the Internet or an PC application. Jumpstart is also useful to those who routinely print forms at the drop of a hat. A special search capability launces a document after asking you what to search for (this same function can be applied to a folder on your system). For the most part, ACE Jumpstart compliments Windows Explorer features but allows you to program the routine so that it is simply less time for you.

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ACE features several Windows tray icons. Place Explorer icon expands to something similar to the above menu. This menu consistently allows you to move from place to place. For each person, the menu will be different. From the beginning, ACE was designed to work seamlessly with Windows Live Mesh and Dropbox. ACE then manages flow among these clouds and adapts access to their datapoints. When first installed, ACE prompts you to provide your places of importance. When fully implemented, your simplified access to ACE places can be done via keyboard shortcuts, phrases, mouse, or touch in 2013.

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Place Knowtices appear everytime you move into a 'place.' What is a place? A primary folder to which you regard your primary working area. For a billing clerk, this may be the Customer folder. To the CEO, this may be the Manage folder. Because your 'places' are different than another person's, the notices will vary too. A place notice can be calendared for a later date, snoozed for the later part of your day, printed, copied to another place or even mailed to a new cloud (i.e., storage domain).